






Lawn Chairs
Janet Yake, Lawn Chairs, Monotype, 1987; 14" x 10 ¾"


Janet Yake, at Smith College, Cooper Union and for many years therafter, explored a variety of mediums before undertaking in 1978 to work exclusively in color monotype. This most painterly of print processes allows her both spontaneity and second thoughts. At the same time, monotype encouraged Yake's generous and intuitive sense of color, evocative of the rich palettes of Bonnard, Vuillard and Matisse. Her subjects, primarily domestic interiors and still lifes, convey the warmth and sensitivity of the artist, and are ideally suited to her fresh and subtle tonal range.

Yake's color monotypes have been shown in solo exhibitions at Fitch-Febvrel, Galleria Grafica in Tokyo, and in group exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum, the Atlantic Gallery and the Weintraub Gallery. Two monoptypes serve as jacket illustrations for Laurie Colwin's Home Cooking (Knopf, 1988) and More Home Cooking (Harper Collins, 1993). Her work is included in numerous private collections.