Autumn Show

The colors of fall and the quality of autumn light can be seen in Whitney Knapp Bowditch’s oil on paper “Goldenrod on the Bluffs” with dashes of yellow against the green brush of the bluffs.

Similarly, gold and green colors dominate Gerard Blouin’s watercolor “Cottage on the Beach,” with yellow, orange, and green in the foreground and a cottage beyond a pond in the distance.

Marilyn Bogdanffy’s “Golden Days,” an oil on canvas, looks across green and yellow fields with the stone walls in deep magenta tones.  Two horizontal pastels by Stephen Haley, “Edge of Farm” and “Farmland” are views of distant trees with their changing leaves seen across fields in deep red in the foreground.

Kate Knapp brings autumn colors inside in “Heirloom Tomatoes” with red and green tomatoes in a blue and white bowl sitting on an orange and white patterned tablecloth. In contrast, Knapp’s “October Farmland” is an oil on canvas of a work truck and small silo with tall pine trees behind it. The waning light casts orange shadows on the yard, trees, and the hill beyond.

Heidi Palmer’s “A Fine Day” looks across a bed in front of a window with pale light falling on the pillow and out the window to a field of tall sea grass and the water beyond.

There are new pieces of sculpture by Brooklyn artist Emily Loughlin. One,”Pando” is a cluster of sealike spikey orbs in glazed stoneware with gold luster.

In addition, there are pillows, pottery, and candles in autumnal colors.